for Nevada Report Card
The Nevada Report Card is a public site. Users may access the Nevada Report Card
site via a link on NDE’s Bighorn site or directly via the URL:
From the home page users may select any of the informational links to learn more
or choose from the listed domains to access the Nevada Annual Reports of Accountability.
Domains are grouped into 3 areas: School and District Information, Assessment and
Accountability and Fiscal and Technology.
*IE10 and tablet users please note: The browser may ask you if you will allow the website to exceed storage capacity. Click 'Yes' to view the reports. This application takes advantage of a modern web browser feature known as HTML5 Storage to provide a superior user experience and overall performance. This requires storing a small amount of data on your computer used only by this website to enable certain client-side features.
Users may access information about the Nevada Report Card, the Nevada Department
of Education and profile information for districts, schools and the State via the
links on the left side of the home page. Reports may be accessed via the links on
the right side of the page.
Once a report has been generated, a fixed set of links will be displayed on the
top right of the screen for all reports and pages so users may access the help guide,
state/district/school profile reports and the home page from anywhere on the site.
Users may utilize the search feature on the home page to find a specific district or school profile.